Kimmy Kat Yoga

There's no place like home
Yoga Philosophy
Where I am and what I am doing..
My teaching schedule
Deep thoughts
Contact me ...
Twisted up pretzel moves
what? there's more??

Where is the love....and the thanks....

Check out these cool links:


All the good you have seen and known belongs to you....Om
Be well ....

Thank you to those who believe in me: Nikki, the Kitties, Bo, Pam, Laura, Kai, Sarah, Jaina, Lisa, Omaur, Scott, Little Barbie, Stacy, Jeff, Leana, Nurse Kelly, other Nurse Kelly, Lacey, Kristen, Cierra, Julie, Lori, Jenny, Dom, Roxie, Stiv, Rebecca, Ellie, Katie, Deb, Suzanne, Kitty, Abby, Angela, Patty, Jennifer, Laura, Pam, CHB, Mom, Brad ...I am the wealthiest girl in the world with friends like you.
Now--- with that said, music is what makes the world go round- most of my yoga music I have gotten from friends or hunting around on the internet. I will start to compile a list of my very favorite blissful tunes but until then... here is a link to help you search them out yourself! Happy hunting!!!

what? yoga without music? inconceivable!!!!
Alien beauty queen