Kimmy Kat Yoga

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Cool Yoga Poses

Even though in life I am a fan of the Kat, in yoga I am a huge fan of the Dog and most poses derived from our Downward friend. 
Most recently my friend Laura ( taught us "dirty dog" strenuous cool and while totally a challenge- something to work on!
I also love flipping the dog. Its pretty easy once you forget about falling on your head and looks alot harder than it really is!

Dirty Dog:
Assume the downward dog (adho mukha svanasana) position, extend right arm left leg, bend knee on left leg and ever so carefully capture left foot in right hand, offer a kind thought to buddha and lift that doggie leg! Hold till you start panting (like a dog?)
Dont forget the other side...
**This is way harder than it sounds - balance and a good clean conscience cant hurt and will only help! Try it!!

For a challenge balancing pose try "Bird of Paradise" either starting in frog or in bound side angle stand up on grounded foot and lift up bound leg to the sky! Hold it up proudly focus on your drishti dont forget to breathe- imagine you are a beautiful Bird in this pose! Its one to work on!
Go easy on yourself- take your time and if you cant do it today - try tomorrow- if not tomorrow then the next day. All of the great Yogis- Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, Krishnamacharya.. all started like this - one day at a time...
Live life, embrace it, then share it with those who believe in you!

Flipping your dog:
Assume your favorite downward dog (adho mukha svanasana) position extend right leg up high square off hips stacking one on top of the other breathe and stretch higher and further until you can flip it over into a makehift backbend, you are on all fours but facing the sky... sounds weird and a little unsettling but extremely freeing!!!
Do the other side this time smile and pretend to be a dog!!

Sitting pooch

Dogs and cats really can be friends!
Another really cool pose that I come back to each day is what I call a flying angel- I am not sure of the correct name but I saw it once in Yoga Journal- it is a total chest opener. Laying on your stomach with arms outstretched on either side, leaving one arm flat on the ground flip your body over towards it almost like a flip the dog bending leg and other arm in that direction. It sounds difficult but it isnt and it feels super good. Try it!