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Kimmy Kat Yoga

Black Cat

Welcome to Kimmy Kat Yoga!
I offer inspirations, poses, encouragement  and enlightenment to all others who live and love Yoga!

Yoga is the union of body and breath, spirit and mind. When you are connected to these things, you feel content and satisfied to be yourself, to live in the moment.
The breath is the foundation of the yoga practice. Each movement or pose should be connected with the breath, gentle, graceful, joyous and free-flowing like a dance.
The constant rise and fall, ebb and flow of the ocean is similar to the yoga practice and the breath within the practice in that each movement and breath is calm and steady, free and easy yet constant.

The ocean is and always has had a special place in my heart. When I practice Yoga I envision the ocean, the calming movement of the waves, the smell of the ocean air.

Sunset along beach

Second Beach at sunset

We lift ourselves up by lifting others.

Those who speak kindly need never whisper.

Good kitty

Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape....
Kim Bosanko
200 hour Certified Yoga Alliance Instructor
Available for Personal, Group or Corporate Instruction

Offering Yoga joy to the masses